How to Use Split-Screen on Your Android 9.0 Pie Devices

Android 9.0 Pie Split-Screen

On 6 August, Google finally released the latest Android 9.0 Pie operating system to the Pixel devices after four developer betas. It contains one of the largest visual changes in recent years, since the Android 5.0 Nougat. There is a redesigned gesture-based navigation bar. The whole OS’s user interface is becoming flatter,rounder and colorful, which is matching Google’s Material Design 2.0.

In Android 9.0 Pie, the Overview/multi-tasking view has been changed. All applications will now be stacked horizontally as cards, instead of vertically. Previously, you can either press and hold the overview button (square) or drag the desired app to the top to enter the built-in Screen-Split mode.

Android 9.0 Pie Split-Screen

If you are using the new navigation bar (turned off by default), you will need to swipe up from the home button to access the overview/multi-tasking view. You scroll left or right to see all the active applications in the background.

Android 9.0 Pie Split-Screen

In Android 9.0 Pie, you now press and hold the app icon on the top of the application card, in order to enter split-screen. A small pop-up menu will show up with the option to split screen.

Android 9.0 Pie Split-Screen

Once you press the button, that app will immediately move towards the top, allowing you to choose the second app. After you have selected the other app, both of them will now evenly split into two windows. You can use all the same features in previous Android versions, such as resizing, copying and pasting texts. You can also switch different apps to be the 2nd application, just swipe up from the home button. The top app will always be the same.

When you finish, press and slide the resizing bar in the middle all the way to the top or bottom to get back to single app mode.

Android 9.0 Pie Split-Screen

You simply will not get the split-screen option if the selected application does not support it, like the Instagram app.

What do you think about the new way to enter Split-Screen in Android 9.0 Pie?

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