NVIDIA debuted the 3D Vision with a series of compatible products, including wireless 3D glasses and some 120 Hz capable LCD displays. However, the concept of 3D gaming did not live up to people’s expectations. After 11 years, NVIDIA announces that they will soon stop providing driver support for 3D Vision.
According to the NVIDIA’s support page, the release 418 of the Game Ready Driver in April 2019 will be the last driver supporting 3D Vision. Critical driver issues will still be fixed by the team until April 2020. 3DTV Play, which allows to game in 3D on your televisions, will be included in the release 418 driver for free, and will not be available to separately afterwards. 3D Vision Video Player, on the other hand, will remain a standalone download through 2019.
NVIDIA will also stop supporting Kepler-based notebook/mobile GPUs after the release 418 driver, which would affect GeForce GTX 800M, GTX 700M and GTX 600M series GPUs.
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