The 3-2-1 Backup Strategy

The 3-2-1 Backup Strategy Explained

Data backup is extremely important for everyone, especially when we keep almost everything digitally in this age. Whether it is a hard drive or solid-state drive, accidental damages and malfunctions are hard to prevent....
Online Account Security

Best Practices to Improve Online Account Security

As Internet becomes more widespread and essential to our daily life, websites/services can contain tons of our personal information and credentials. It is increasingly important to ensure all your online accounts are secured enough...
Virtual Private Network (VPN)

Why You Need A VPN Service

In this day and age, almost all information are transmitted and obtained through the World Wide Web. Online privacy and security become increasingly important to keep your personal data safe. Using a VPN is...
MBR and GPT Partition Table

MBR vs GPT – Partition Table Explained

When you plug in a newly-purchased HDD or SDD to the computer, the operating system will often ask you to initialize the disk. Have you ever wondered what the differences between MBR and GPT?...

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