Microsoft introduced its latest operating system, Windows 10, in 2015, aiming to replace the not so successful Windows 8/8.1. Despite having mostly positive reviews at launch (start menu comeback and simpler overall design), Windows 10’s global market share was still fall behind the 9-year-old Windows 7. However, according to StatCounter, Windows 10 finally overtook Windows 7 in January 2018.
Its research arm Statcounter Global Stats finds that Windows 10 reached 42.78% in terms of worldwide internet usage compared to 41.86% for Windows 7.
The Dublin-based web traffic analysis service provider, StatCounter, recently provided the statistic about the global market share of the Microsoft Windows operating system (desktop). In January 2018, Windows 10 had a worldwide market share of about 42.78%, while Windows 7 had 41.86%. The two had a 0.92% difference. Windows 10 was steadily increasing from around 30% in 2017. This is a major milestone for Microsoft, as Windows 10 becomes the largest PC operating system.
Windows 10 had already surpassed Windows 7 in North America in January 2017, and in United Kingdom in 2016. Although the Windows 10’s global market share is leading, there are still some regions that Windows 7 is still holding the crown.
For more information, you can visit StatCounter’s website.
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