How to Create A Windows Share (SMB) in FreeNAS 11 (TrueNAS)

One of the most useful features for a FreeNAS server is the sharing files over the network. In this article, we will teach you how to create a shared folder/drive, that can be accessed...

How to Enable Google Chrome Dark Mode on macOS

Google releases the Chrome version 73 to the public on 12 March, which is the latest edition of this popular browser. One of the most noticeable update is the added support for dark mode...

5 Important Tips for First-time DIY PC Builders

With the number of PC components and brands available in the market, it can be extremely confusing for first-time PC builders to figure out all the necessary techniques and details. Below are five useful...

How to Make File Explorer Open “This PC” by Default in Windows 10

In Windows 10, whenever you open File Explorer, the Quick Access section will be shown, instead of This PC. It will show your frequently-used files and folder, but it takes an extra step if...

How to Update Your SSD Firmware

Sometimes, SSD manufacturers will provide firmware updates for their drives, especially those that are recently-released. The update will often contain bug fixes and enhancements to the SSDs, that can improve their compatibility, reliability, durability...

How to Stop Applications from Launching at Startup in Windows 10

Sometimes, applications in Windows are defaulted to run at startup automatically after installation. It may not be a huge problem at first, but they will drastically increase your boot-up time and reduce system responsiveness,...

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